Project information

  • Category: APP
  • Client: Idesamp
  • Project date: 01 March, 2020
  • Project URL: Play Store

Android application design

This project is a monitoring service application for women at risk of domestic violence. As lead developer, I was responsible for all phases of development, from conception to final implementation.

On the backend, I used PHP to create a robust and secure API that handles all of the application's data. This includes user management, alert processing, and contact center communication.

On the frontend, I used Flutter to create an intuitive and responsive user interface. The app is easy to use, allowing users to trigger alerts quickly and hassle-free in emergency situations.

Furthermore, I also developed the mobile version of the application, ensuring that it works perfectly on different devices and platforms. The mobile application allows users to activate the monitoring service at any time and anywhere.

In the DevOps area, I used several modern tools and practices to ensure the efficiency and reliability of the application. This includes CI/CD configuration, infrastructure-as-code management, and application monitoring and logging.

I also have experience publishing apps in app stores. This includes preparing app metadata, creating compelling screenshots and videos, navigating the app store review process, and responding to user feedback.

This project demonstrates my ability to develop a complete application, dealing with both the backend and frontend, and highlights my dedication to creating solutions that can make a difference in people's lives.